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The Road To Respect

Cycle need not continue for men

She Is Not Your Rehab, developed by Matt and Sarah Brown Mnzm has been pivotal in New Zealand, helping men manage their emotions by...

Always a choice for young women and their bodies

With modern figures showing some alarming results including that more than 51 per cent of women in their 20s report that they have experienced...

Life after DFV for Lucy

When it comes to domestic and family violence, sadly it knows no cultural bounds, as Lucy Jinga Muzungu found out. There were red flags early...

Important for consistent support

One of the major strengths in the efforts to prevent domestic and family violence is that there is bipartisan political support at State, Territory...

Escape not just a brand name

It is remarkable the difference that a word can make in someone’s life when they are experiencing domestic and family violence. For Zachary Henderson and...

Day becomes month when it comes to need to listen

This year, White Ribbon Australia is expanding their traditional White Ribbon Day to White Ribbon Month, a month dedicated to impacting the thinking of...

DV Safe Phone connects victims to care

In Australia, an estimated one in four women and one in 14 men have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner since...

Making a difference a community commitment

Speaking to Bundaberg Patrol Group chief inspector Grant Marcus about the Bundaberg Domestic and Family Violence Community Working Group, you can hear a real...

Coercive control education leads to new road for Heather

As one of the Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Council Love ≠ Control campaign ambassadors, Heather McKoy is hoping that by sharing her story,...

Education key to company network

As domestic and family violence continues to be an issue for so many people, continued awareness and education is always important. One company that took...

Jade, stronger than she knew

Jade McDonald met her abuser on a dating app and within a few weeks they had moved in together. The verbal and physical abuse...

Allison’s legacy remains a positive one

On a cool April morning in 2012, my family’s world was shattered. The tragic murder of my sister, Allison Baden-Clay, not only devastated us...

Mates for Mates fundraising on Australia Day

Kepnock State High School pool will not only be a great place to cool off this Australia Day, but also the chance to show...