Walk to admire the beauty

Gardenia Golden Magic start of flowering white.

No matter what town in Queensland you live in, a short walk will reveal a kaleidoscope of colours appearing in most gardens.

What is more noticeable is the aroma from either the flowers or foliage from many of these plants in these gardens.

March is always the start of one of the most beautiful times of the year in the garden, as it combines the floral displays of summer-flowering plants that are nearing the end of their season, and the beginning of the flowers of the cooler seasons.

This year it seems like there is even more, maybe due to a relatively mild but humid summer.

This definitely has helped plants bloom better than past years.

Then the icing on the cake for a fantastic March was the beautiful rain we have had across this region.

When walking along some of our many walkways during the early evening there is a drift of Gardenia perfume from many homes.

The perfume could be one from any of more than a dozen species of Gardenia with three of the best shrubs being Gardenia florida and Gardenia Golden Magic.

Gardenia florida is one of the most water-wise gardenias available to local gardeners.

It has glossy, green foliage and a dense habit and growing to 1.2m high. It will flower throughout the year with highly perfumed, double white flowers.

It is best grown in a position away from the hot afternoon sun, a northern or easterly position is best.

Gardenia Augusta Golden Magic is a glossy evergreen shrub to 1.5m high. Its lovely heavily scented blooms gradually change colour from pristine white through ever deepening shades of yellow to a brilliant gold from late spring to early autumn.

It prefers a semi-shaded position in rich cool soils.

The near-groundcover variety Gardenia radicans is also making itself noticed at the moment with its delightfully sweet perfume.

Gardenia radicans is a low growing dense shrub is ideal to use as an edging plant for a tropical garden, or even to be pruned or shaped to make the perfect border plant for a formal garden. Flowers are very much the traditional waxy white blooms of the Gardenia family.

In recent years, a variegated foliage form has become available to local gardeners, and this one is also very suitable.

Later in the evening the perfume of the Night Scented Jasminum or Cestrum nocturnum becomes noticeable.

Cestrum nocturnum is almost a must for a scented garden in the country.

This evergreen medium to tall shrub produces greenish yellow tubular flowers in spring, which are sweetly scented at night. It will withstand periods of dryness and will tolerate a light frost.

Some of the most spectacular trees in the garden are just starting to display their floral features.

Trees such as the Native Gardenia or Randia fitzalani can be found flowering in some gardens right now.

Randia fitzalani is a dense, large shrub to small tree, with large, dark green, glossy leaves, which will grow in either sunny or shaded moist positions.

Strongly perfumed, open-petalled, white flowers appear in summer, followed by large, edible yellow fruits in winter.

Of all of the trees for this time of the year, nothing can match the floral beauty of the Swamp Bloodwood or Eucalyptus ptychocarpa.

This week I have seen some beautiful specimens of this tree in full bloom with a unique fragrance.

Forever immortalised in May Gibbs classic of the Gumnut Babes, this small-growing eucalypt can have clusters of flowers ranging in colour from white to purple, with the most common colour being that of pink.

Another fantastic tree you might find at the moment is the Backhousia citriodora or Lemon Scented Myrtle’s foliage has a wonderful lemon fragrance when crushed or even brushed against. Its dense foliage makes an excellent screening or specimen plant, and will grow on most soil types.

Clusters of creamy white flowers are produced in summer making a spectacular display.

I would recommend to everyone that a walk in the evening will leave you feeling on a high, as well knowing all the happenings of the day from you children and better half.

The walk will improve your health and the natural beauty of our environment will make you feel much more relaxed then had you stayed home and watch the news.