There may be many in our community who, even though not directly involved in our work, are still concerned about the very harmful impacts that domestic and family violence is having on those in our community and their thoughts may be “but what can I do?“.
We believe that the answer is “there is much you can do“ and your potential contribution is invaluable as we will only see the necessary societal changes towards preventing and responding to domestic and family violence when we take a personal interest and work together.
So here are some things that you can do:
– Sharpen your interest by becoming better informed about the issues.
Subscribing to this newspaper is a good way to start.
– If in conversation you hear something then challenge it in a non-aggressive manner.
Why do you think that’s funny?
I’m not understanding that joke, can you explain it to me?
Hey mate, that comment is unnecessary.
How would you feel if someone made those comments about your mother or sister?
– Disrupt the ideology that underpins domestic violence, such as the attitudes, values and beliefs that lead to the behaviour of dominating and controlling another.
If you’re aware of or concerned that someone you know is a victim of abuse, don’t ignore it.
We are not suggesting you should intervene in a dangerous situation, that’s the role of the police, but you can be an active bystander and inform the victim of how to get help and support at a safe time.
– Invest your time and energy by supporting awareness events and educational forums or a domestic violence service.
Become involved in whatever way you can to become educated, assist in awareness campaigns and share the message.
Domestic violence affects an unacceptable number of victims and children in our communities.
Not only can you make an impact and help improve this situation but it can be one of the most important and worthwhile things you will ever do.