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Avocados Australia signs AUD $300 million purchase agreement with Shanghai Markets

From 5 to 10 November, Avocados Australia’s new chair, Matt Kleyn, new deputy chair, Lucia Philip, and chief executive officer, John Tyas, and a...

US experience helps grow Aussie Soybean industry

After nine years studying in the soybean heartland of the United States, Dr Anh Pham has accumulated a wealth of knowledge about the world’s...

BFVG moving forward

In August of this year BFVG was pleased to win the tender service for executive officer of the Australian Sweetpotato Growers Inc (ASPG) who...

Whole of government regional opportunity

As I step back from the role of General President, with the sense of perspective that brings, I can see both challenges and opportunities...

CANEGROWERS secures vital exemption amid harvest delays

CANEGROWERS has again secured a critical industry exemption from the Christmas transport curfew, ensuring the delayed sugarcane harvest can keep moving through the holiday...

Pause needed for sake of food security as well as environment, social and community...

A couple of powerful early opportunities have opened up for Queensland’s new Primary Industries Minister Tony Perrett, one of which relates to water and...

Showcase opens up innovation of Bundaberg region to rest of Australia

Right from the morning registrations on day one, the AgTech Showcase 2024 on 22 and 23 October was a dynamic event that allowed over...

RRR Women and Red Earth renew historical fund to support South Burnett women

South Burnett Women will be supported to attend professional and personal development events through a renewed bursary partnership between two not-for-profits: Rural Regional and...

Families and farmers cannot afford biosecurity gaps

Grocery bills will rise and jobs will be lost if gaps in Queensland’s biosecurity funding are not addressed by all sides of politics ahead...

Sugar too big to ignore this state election

Leaders of Queensland’s peak sugar industry bodies – CANEGROWERS and the Australian Sugar Milling Council (ASMC) – have come together to discuss the industry’s...

Time for a smarter approach to water quality

For more than 150 years, Queensland’s sugarcane industry has been a cornerstone of our state and regional economies. But growers are not just economic drivers...

Back the Bush: Support Queensland’s food and fibre producers this election

It’s sometimes easy to forget that behind every meal you enjoy - three times a day and 365 days a year - there are...

Easter cheer well and truly here for local businesses

Planning for a tonne of Easter fun is well under way with some Bundaberg local businesses showcasing some fun, community spirit, gorgeous decorations and,...