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Police property room inundated

Did you recently visit the beach and leave a phone or jewellery behind? Or have you misplaced a backpack full of work gear? These are just...

Don’t gift your keys to thieves

Over the past fortnight, a large number of vehicles were stolen or attempted to be stolen in the Bundaberg area including Moore Park Beach,...

Stockland’s Battle of the Schools enters second year of competition

Bundaberg’s second annual Battle of the Schools is underway, with 22 schools from across the region competing in friendly trivia for a chance to...

Bingera Mill to close after Bundaberg Sugar announce use of one mill

After more than 120 years one of Bundaberg oldest mills is closing down. Bingera Mill is closing down after Bundaberg Sugar announced today that its...

Students share the love through colourful artwork

St Luke’s Anglican School have answered the call of St John Queensland, which have reached out to Early Learning Centres throughout the State of Queensland...

Women in business draw strength from others

With over 34 per cent of business owner operators in Australia women, ATech managing director Sarah-Jane Peterschlingmann finds it funny when she asks people...

Program prepares children for starting Prep

With parent comments such as ‘the first day of school is so easy compared to when the older children started school, they wave goodbye...

School goes green during pandemic

This year whilst we had to learn from home during the Covid pandemic our teachers gave us a task to design a plan for...

School students get health boost thanks to grant

Life Education Queensland says if it wasn't for community grants, it would struggle to get out to regional areas. The primary school program, which has...

Beauty students set to help local high school students find their confidence

TAFE Queensland has teamed up with Kepnock Girls Academy this month to help local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls find their confidence and...

Students motivated by Blue Edge program

Isis District High School students have continued to show that they have what it takes as part of the Blue Edge program which aims...

New ‘low act’ in ongoing rates battle between farmers and Bundy council

A distinguished and well-connected Bundaberg senior citizen has spoken out in support of the Bundaberg farming consortium and their ongoing battle with council over...

’A Truckie Knows’ campaign promotes driver respect

Transport and Main Roads Minister Brent Mickelberg joined representatives from the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator to launch ‘A Truckie Knows’ campaign. The new campaign highlights...