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Public warned about unlicensed fencer Matthew Rixon

Queensland’s building industry watchdog has issued a Public Warning about Matthew Geoffrey Rixon, who is alleged to have committed a number of building-related offences...

Bundy Dominos in the top 10 for Origin

Domino’s Bundaberg is predicted to be one of the top 10 busiest stores in Australia this Origin, with many Bundaberg locals coming together in...

Renowned chef at Bundy hospital

A chef who has worked in top-end restaurants in London, learnt his craft in rural Japan and headed up the kitchen at the Gold...

HISTORY: Bundy a Labor stronghold

It was a resounding victory for the Labor Party and Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk at the State Election on 31 October with the seat of...

STATE ELECTION:Rolling coverage of Bundaberg and Burnett seats

UPDATE: November 3, 3:25pm: With 83.52 percent of the votes tallied in Bundaberg, David Batt LNP has edged slightly closer to Labor's Tom Smith....

Inspirational Bundy 4 year-old

When Bundaberg four-year-old Theodore (‘Bee’) Barnes came down with flu like symptoms in September 2019, his parents never expected the health journey that...

Vital celebrations going ahead

Despite a global pandemic, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander celebrations will go ahead in Bundaberg for NAIDOC Week next week. In July, the...

Zollies reminder of Zonta’s campaign to end violence against women

From November 25 onwards, the streets of the Bundaberg region will be highlighting a pretty clear message – violence again women and girls is...

Let the shows begin, Moncrieff upgrades make for better sound

Speaking to Bundaberg Regional Council Arts and Cultural Services Technical Coordinator David Hints about the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre feels almost like he is speaking...

Stolen vehicle, Bundaberg North

Police are seeking information in relation to a vehicle that was recently stolen from the Bundaberg North area. At approximately 1.10pm on Saturday, October 31,...

Growers set for 50 percent water price cuts

Growcom has congratulated Premier Palaszczuk and the Labor Party on their convincing victory at the Queensland state election over the weekend. Over the course...

Bird watching with Leo Vermeulen

The Spangled Drongo (Dicrurus bracteatus). It is the only drongo to be found in Australia (Family Dicruridae) and the only Australian bird with a...

Celebration of genuine care

On Friday 7 March, the community came together at The Waves Sports Club to celebrate LifeFlight and launch both its important Critical Cares Doctors...