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New police officers join the ranks

Both the Bundaberg and Gin Gin police stations have welcomed the latest first year constables fresh off their graduation from the Queensland Police Academy...

Time to ride the railway this school holidays

School holidays are an excellent time to experience the combined joy and history that only a trip on the Australian Sugar Cane Railway at...

Geoff and Pat looking forward to new stage in life

Fluctuating markets, the introduction of the internet and online property marketing, Geoff and Patricia Dixon have seen it all in their time. One thing they...

Teamwork sees a clear win for high school team

Bundaberg North State High School students have once again shown that commitment, determination and teamwork are the road to success being announced as winners...

New buildings set to make a difference to student learning

Bundaberg State High School principal Karen McCord is looking forward to the New Year and the difference that new buildings will bring to the...

Increased support for local artists a blessing

Support for artists throughout the Burnett and Wide Bay will be increased thanks to an innovative new collaboration. In a first of its kind, three...

QCWA Corner

Held earlier this month on 4 December was the QCWA Burnett Division meeting. At the meeting, division secretary Tamara Stephensen, from QCWA Howard Branch, reported...

Not your average cuckoo

The pheasant coucal (centropus phasianinus) is a large ‘cuckoo’ species found in the coastal and subcostal areas of northern and eastern Australia. A...

Serving up the best suggestions

Entertaining and Christmas are two of Olsens Corner Foodworks' Jane Brosnan’s favourite things. For Jane, her Christmas Day includes her large immediate and extended families,...

Delicious Christmas traditions covered

Serving up the freshest cuts is just part of the everyday for the team at Ken’s Kepnock Butchery. But when it comes to spreading Christmas...

Why was Bundy’s $15 million water bombing plane MIA?

The State Opposition and residents in Bundaberg and across Queensland are searching for answers as to why a $15 million state-leased water bombing plane...

Medical memories of 2013 floods

For many students studying medicine with The University of Queensland (UQ), their First Year Observership opportunity takes them on a two week adventure in...

Cyclone Alfred leaves a mark

During a Rotary Club luncheon I attended over the weekend, a community leader momentarily excused herself to take an urgent call concerning Cyclone Alfred....