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One in hospital after gas leak in Elliott Heads

One person has been taken to Bundaberg Hospital this morning after a reported gas leak in a Elliott Heads workplace. The gas leak was...

Variety abounds through U3A courses

While 2020 saw U3A having to develop some imaginative ways to continue classes, with some sheer determination and more creative planning 2021 might look...

Unique homemade products continue to attract visitors

The ability to share their specialist skills and create things of beauty for visitors to the Paradise Markets to enjoy continues to make Reg...

First-year doctors provide welcome boost to Wide Bay’s medical workforce

Although she grew up in Brisbane, first-year doctor Dr Jemimah Waugh has long held an interest in developing experience out of the main city...

Well known comedian ready to find new talent in Bundaberg

Ever the guy making his fellow students laugh as far back as primary school, it was only natural that well known comedian Anthony Lamond...

Artistic flair celebrated through special workshops

While 2020 might have been tough for the art community, this school holidays many local and visiting artists alike are only too happy to...

2021: the year of upskilling

2021 is the year for upskilling where those not moving forward are at risk of getting left behind, according to one of IMPACT Community...

Region covers school holidays with plenty of excitement

Seemingly never having enough time in the day, the question of how to keep school lunches interesting and healthy and of course your children’s...

Close to 2,000 lives saved in 2020

Bundaberg RACQ LifeFlight Rescue helicopter crews responded to more vehicle crashes, than any other type of emergency mission, last calendar year. “Our Bundaberg crews flew...

On deck during the Gulf War: 30 years on

It's been just a few days over 30 years since the start of the Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm and the military response by...

Alleged bushfire starter faces court

The 28 year-old Branyan man who allegedly started a fire in Burrum Coast National Park has had his matter heard in court. Brodie Mark...

$1 million for Goodwood Road upgrade

More than $3 million has been committed to road safety upgrades throughout the Hinkler electorate under the Road Safety Program. The Australian Government announced today...

Several crashes calls for care on the road

Bundaberg Police is seeking community assistance and urging locals to take care on the roads after a string of serious crashes left two people...