Elite Braford breeder sale a success

More than 100 visitors and locals graced the Gayndah Showgrounds to be part of the inaugural Elite Braford breeder’s sale.

The event held on Saturday, 27 March, 2021 was hosted by the Wide Bay Burnett Braford Promotional Group.

The five vendors included Sandra and Malcolm Kenny from “Abernethy” Gayndah, Dan Galloway from Ascot Niemen Banana, Art and Ness from Bambling Brafords “Penwhaupell”, Stuart and Janelle Dingle from Chase water Mt Petty, Donna, Russell and Bec Kenny from “Harriett Valley” Gayndah.

39 quality heifers went under the hammer with 100 per cent clearance finding new homes as far wide as Dingo, Banana, Warwick, Rockhampton, Dalby and Casino NSW. Just over 40 per cent remained locally to Mundubbera, Gayndah and Mt Perry.

Thanks to our local buyers Lisa and Jasen Wain Mundubbera, Mye-Ann Slack from Slacks Hardwood Reid’s Creek, Peter and Ann Dingle Mt Perry, Jeffrey and Danyelle Kenny, Russell and Donna Kenny, Malcolm and Sandra Kenny; Holling and Clark Mundubbera.

17 registered heifers sold for an average of $3044.

The Top Registered Polled Heifer Lot 2 owned by Russell, Donna and Bec Kenny, Harriett Valley Tulip sold to Jamie and Saunders “Charlevue Cattle Company” Dingo QLD.

22 commercial heifers sold for an average of $2827 and the top commercial polled heifer owned by Mal and Sandra Kenny, Abernethy Heifer Lot 38 sold to Little Valley Braford Stud Casino for $4750 which they have now registered and will use in their stud herd.

It was a great day for Brafords and a great day for Gayndah and the community.

The Elite Braford Breeders Sale group felt really chuffed to have excellent Gold Sponsors in Agforce QLD, Rabobank and Riverina Stock feeds and to have Peter Treasure from Rabo and Ken Emmett from Riverina help open the sale.

The group thanked the GDL Dalby, Gayndah Pony Club, Gayndah Show Society and Amanda from Truth Designs for a wonderful sale catalogue and advertising design.

For more details follow the Facebook group -Elite Braford Breeders Sale.