Day becomes month when it comes to need to listen

The faces behind White Ribbon Month. (Supplied)

This year, White Ribbon Australia is expanding their traditional White Ribbon Day to White Ribbon Month, a month dedicated to impacting the thinking of men and boys about violence and abuse against women.

Having begun on 18 November and running to 13 December, White Ribbon Australia is asking every man and boy to get involved and tell us where they’re at with the issue of violence against women.

This is the start of a nation-wide conversation where you talk and #welisten.

For too long, women have been alone in championing ending violence against women.

Change is needed and men need to see their roles in ending violence against women.

Earlier this year, White Ribbon Australia ran a series of focus groups with men and boys from all ages and stages of life, colours, cultures, shapes and sizes.

What was found was alarming:

– A distinct disconnect between men and the issue of violence against women.

– The messages out in the community about preventing violence are not reaching the people who need to hear it most.

In an effort to engage all Australian men and boys on the issue of preventing violence against women, White Ribbon Australia will be sharing excerpts from these conversations throughout the month.

Acting chief executive officer David Cain stated, “changing behaviour doesn’t happen by telling men how to think, act or feel”.

“It starts by listening to them.

“We need to see, hear and value men.

“We need to recognise that most Australian men and boys care deeply about the women in their lives and therefore have everything necessary to be great advocates for the safety of all women.

“This campaign is about understanding barriers and fears so we can meet them where they are at and work together to end violence against women.

“We are inviting men and boys to start talking about violence against women.

“We commit to listening.”