Cane Country Squares puts call out to give square dancing a try

Cane Country Squares are excited to welcome experienced caller James Reid to Bundaberg. (Supplied)

The month of August is looking excited for members of Cane Country Squares as they get set to welcome guest caller James Reid to the Bundaberg region.

Cane Country Squares Matthew Mills, who recently called with James Reid in Hervey Bay, said it was wonderful to bring someone of James’ calibre to the region.

“James has been called for over 25 years and while he gave up full time calling around 2007, he still does both guest or festival calling, travelling to various locations and even has plans to call an event in Melbourne in the next 12 months,” Mr Mills said.

“Having a caller like James come to Bundaberg to call is fantastic.

“First of all, it gives our dancers a different voice to dance to and this different voice allows our dancers to experience someone that calls similar to myself as the regular caller but different as he has his own choreography will be different.

“The experience this gives our dancers is great as they would be more comfortable and confident to consider travelling to other events where there are callers they have never danced to before.

“I am also looking forward to having the opportunity to dance at the club with the dancers I call for every week.”

There are many square dance callers across Australia and the world, with quality callers those who can go that step extra and entertain dancers.

Mr Mills said they capture their dancers in the palm of their hand and give them a fun night.

“The entertainment will be from great showmanship, fun and challenging choreography and good music.

“Quality callers make dancers want to travel and therefore support other club events in different towns.

“I feel square dancing is one of the easiest forms of dancing as we are walking to music.

“The common myth is you need to know your left and right feet, well in square dancing, we never talk about left and right feet, all we talk about is your left or right hands.

“Square dancing is always as fun as you make it. It’s the type of dancing that once you get started, you can put some energy and excitement in straight away to have a memorable time.

“You don’t need to wait to complete the entire program before it’s fun.

“As it’s a great family activity that any age can dance, you can therefore extend the fun to your family and friends.”

The beauty of square dancing as an activity is that you don’t need to bring a partner, with Cane Country Squares having solo dancers that come out to learn a new activity.

Cane Country Squares has continued to try and keep pushing the exercise and the fun points for their dance club.

“We do have a lot of fun when we are all together and it really shows.

“It’s easy for new people to enjoy they fun and want to stay and learn.

“A lot of our members do create friendships and therefore socialise outside of our dancing activities.

“I stress to people that are looking for an easy dance activity to not judge a book by its cover, but come and try square dancing at our next SSD learner intake.”

Special guest caller James Reid will be calling for Cane Country Squares on 3 and 4 August.

On 3 August, Plus Level from 2 to 2pm and SSD and Mainstream level on 6.30pm to 9.30pm and on 4 August SSD and Mainstream level from 2pm to 4pm at 89 Targo Street Bundaberg South with a cost of $7 per session with raffles and a lucky door prize.

For more information, visit the Cane Country Squares Facebook page.